Aarav Chaudhary
The answer to this question is no. India is the second most populous country in the world, with over 1.3 billion people. Uttar Pradesh, on the other hand, is the most populous state in India, with a population of just over 200 million. This means that India's population is more than six times that of Uttar Pradesh.
That being said, Uttar Pradesh is still a major part of India's population. It is home to 16.7% of India's population, making it the most populous state in the country. It is also the most populous country in the world, with a population density of 866 people per square kilometer.
It is important to remember that while Uttar Pradesh has a large population, it is still only a small part of India's overall population. India's population is more than six times that of Uttar Pradesh, so it's clear that India has more people than Uttar Pradesh.
The answer is no. India's population is more than twice the population of Uttar Pradesh. As of the 2021 census, India has 1.37 billion people while Uttar Pradesh has only 223 million people. This means that Uttar Pradesh only makes up 16% of India's population.
Even though Uttar Pradesh has a much smaller population than India, it is still one of the most densely populated states in India. With over 880 people per square kilometer, Uttar Pradesh is the most densely populated state in India, followed by Bihar and West Bengal.
Uttar Pradesh is also one of the most economically important states in India. It is home to some of India's largest cities, including Lucknow and Varanasi. It also has a large agricultural sector, which is one of the main contributors to the state's economy.
Despite having a smaller population than India, Uttar Pradesh is still an important state in India. It is home to a large population of people and has a significant economic impact on the country. It is also a key player in India's politics, and its presence in the national legislative assembly is essential for the country's overall development.
Exploring the Population of Uttar Pradesh: Is It Greater Than India's?
Uttar Pradesh is the most populous state in India, with more than 200 million people. It is home to one of the oldest civilizations in the world and has been the birthplace of numerous religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. With such a large population, it's natural to wonder if Uttar Pradesh has more people than India as a whole.The answer to this question is no. India is the second most populous country in the world, with over 1.3 billion people. Uttar Pradesh, on the other hand, is the most populous state in India, with a population of just over 200 million. This means that India's population is more than six times that of Uttar Pradesh.
That being said, Uttar Pradesh is still a major part of India's population. It is home to 16.7% of India's population, making it the most populous state in the country. It is also the most populous country in the world, with a population density of 866 people per square kilometer.
It is important to remember that while Uttar Pradesh has a large population, it is still only a small part of India's overall population. India's population is more than six times that of Uttar Pradesh, so it's clear that India has more people than Uttar Pradesh.
Comparing India's Population to Uttar Pradesh: Who Has More People?
India is the world's second most populated country, with 1.37 billion people as of 2021. But what about the state of Uttar Pradesh (UP), India's most populous state? Does Uttar Pradesh have more people than India?The answer is no. India's population is more than twice the population of Uttar Pradesh. As of the 2021 census, India has 1.37 billion people while Uttar Pradesh has only 223 million people. This means that Uttar Pradesh only makes up 16% of India's population.
Even though Uttar Pradesh has a much smaller population than India, it is still one of the most densely populated states in India. With over 880 people per square kilometer, Uttar Pradesh is the most densely populated state in India, followed by Bihar and West Bengal.
Uttar Pradesh is also one of the most economically important states in India. It is home to some of India's largest cities, including Lucknow and Varanasi. It also has a large agricultural sector, which is one of the main contributors to the state's economy.
Despite having a smaller population than India, Uttar Pradesh is still an important state in India. It is home to a large population of people and has a significant economic impact on the country. It is also a key player in India's politics, and its presence in the national legislative assembly is essential for the country's overall development.
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